Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday Weigh-In 20220119

Just another weigh-in.

Waist = 42.75"
Height = 5' 7"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Balance Body Composition Bath Scale
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Dream: Yellow Jackets

I'm on the narrow path that leads to the parking lot behind the restaurant that used to be a train station. I look down at my feet and see yellow jackets on the path. They take flight as I pass through. I am shirtless -- I hope they do not attack me, and amazingly they do not.

Now I am inside in the basement of my home.  Paul B is in there and I show him the nest. There's a clump of artificial flowers in the spot on the floor, and they spring up as I step on them. He sprays the Bees (as he did before ). At first the spray isn't too effective, but eventually the Bees stop moving.

We pick up a small clump of the plastic flowers, which have several bees attached to it. I marvel at them because their wings are like butterfly wings, colorful with different patterns.