Weight = 183.4 lb.
Fat = 24%
BMI = 28.72
Waist = 42.75"
Height = 5' 7"
- Wikipedia BMI page
- Balance Body Composition Bath Scale
- Javascript must be enabled to view the data.
I'm at a camp in a large cabin. One of the camp counselors, from behind the counter, shouts "who wants to do a debate?" I've got nothing much to do, so I say "I'll do it" and go over to the table where the debate will take place.
The place is just a table that seats four and there are six of us. So we start walking around the table widdershins. I'm carrying a shovel, a spade. The number of people around the table has lessened gradually and now there's just me and another guy. But I've lost interest, so I tell him so and I walk away.
Another activity is starting outside on the deck. I walk to the exit, but it is just a narrow seam between a wall on the left and a huge flat screen TV on the right. Somehow I'm supposed to pry it open. I still have the spade, so I consider using this, but it's curved, whereas the seam is straight. Besides, with the flat screen TV so close, one slip of the spade could destroy it. So I hesitate, and I hesitate...
I'm at the place where the company Christmas party will take place. I have a plant stand made of heavy wire that's painted white. There are folks still setting up the venue, bustling about, and I'm in the way. So I put down the plant stand in an out-of-the-way place so that no one will trip on it. Perhaps it will be used as a decoration.
There's a fragile-looking glass sphere, multicolored, the size of a volleyball, next to the place where I set down down the stand. It has holes in it and rods stick out of some of the holes like a Fancy Pencil Holder. Perhaps it can go on the plant stand, but I dare not do that lest I break it.
I move away from all the activity and look around to see what's in the many rooms at this place. They all have tables in them; most have white tablecloths but few have place settings, and no food has been set out. There are no people in those rooms.
I'm sitting in a chair that I brought and I have a stainless steel fork that I also brought. I decide to sit and relax. A young slender woman is nearby wearing black tights. I like that she's nearby. I decide to stay here for a while. Then when I get to the room that has the food, I'll take the last remaining spot so I don't have to decide where to sit.
I'm in the party room. I'm seated with people I don't know. We're all in Auditorium seating. As the food comes out, I'm dismayed -- how can anyone eat in these chairs? There's not even a table to place our meals on! Folks nearby have their plates of food. But someone directly in front of me gets up to walk to a place to get food, and folks in my row do too, including another young woman that's next to me.
As we stand in line in the aisle of the auditorium, I wonder if we will eat somewhere else or bring the food back here.