Monday, July 31, 2023

Wednesday Weigh-In 20230731

Just another weigh-in...

Weight = 156.8 lb.
Fat = 20.4%
BMI = 24.56
Waist = 37.5"
Height = 5' 7"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Balance Body Composition Bath Scale
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Is it NOAA, or Noah?

My area has been experiencing severe and heavy rainfall lately.  So it occurred to me to wonder about the name of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Was the intent to have its acronym be a homophone of “Noah,” whom G-d entrusted to build the ark that saved him and his family and Earth’s animals from the Flood?

WIFE: "When is it ever gonna stop raining?"

SPG: "NOAA says it's supposed to rain all weekend."

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Wednesday Weigh-In 20230711

I started taking Nuvigil again back in May. But this time it's a very small dose -- 50mg. This is just one-third of the standard dose for folks with daytime sleepiness who are being treated for sleep apnea. It has the effect of slowing down time, and I actually don't feel like vegetating in a nursing home any more. I am drinking some coffee and tea (with caffiene) but not having bouts of severe anxiety.

Weight = 155.6 lb.
Fat = 20.2%
BMI = 24.37
Waist = 37.5"
Height = 5' 7"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Balance Body Composition Bath Scale
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.