Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wednesday Weigh-In 20220630

I've been taking a break from daily cholestrol-lowering medication. This is day thirty of my experiment to see if muscle and tendon pain, muscle weakness, fatigue and exercise intolerance is due to the rosuvastatin. My doctor recently doubled the dose, but my numbers didn't improve. Yet I feel even worse than ever, so why should I bother with it? I had an amazing improvement in strength after I discontinnued Vytorin many years ago. At that time, I had been going to a gym regularly. When I stopped that med, I was able to increase the weights on the Nautilis machines with dramatic suddeness. I do feel better now, too. Installing two window air conditioners was nearly effortless, and my back pain (due to muscle weakness) is gone.

Waist = 42.0"
Height = 5' 7"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Balance Body Composition Bath Scale
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

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