Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In 20110427

All the cookies, ice cream and jelly beans that I've been eating have spiked my numbers. Both weight and waist measurements are up.

Tomorrow will bring another opportunity to increase even more -- a company-wide ice cream treat to celebrate a coworker's 80th birthday, featuring Ben and Jerry's ice cream!


I'm doomed.

Hopefully they'll have just plain vanilla and chocolate, and not those irresistibly decadent flavors such as Phish Food, Chubby Hubby or Fossil Fuel.

Weight = 164 lb.
Fat = 17%
BMI = 24.22
Waist = 38.0"
Height = 5' 9"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Tanita Scale with Body Fat monitor
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dream: Driving the Very Tall Truck

It's night time. I'm in a parking lot, walking to my car. I drive a green Subaru station wagon, but the car that I'm approaching is actually a green van.

I'm now sitting in the driver's seat. It's so tall that I can't see anything down on the road directly in front of me, like people. I feel as though I'm looking down from the second or third floor of a building.

I approach the parking lot's exit to the road. There are people wearing bright safety gear -- yellow jumpsuits and orange reflective vests. They appear to be acting as crossing guards. I'm afraid that I will run them over, so I go very slowly across the road.

Dream: The ATV

I'm outside facing the road. I notice that a yellow vehicle is racing down the road from my right to my left.

At first I think that this is an emergency vehicle responding to a call because of how fast it's going and how it's crossing the centerline of the road. But when it runs into a grassy divider, I realize that it's an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV).

Another car approaches from the opposite direction and makes a left hand turn. I anticipate a crash, but the ATV stops on the divider just in time to avoid the crash.

The ATV now is driving in circles counter-clockwise on the circular median. It's going incredibly fast, digging into the grass and dirt. In fact, it is digging a huge hole about 30 feet in diameter. When it gets about 20 feet down, it stops. How will it get out? It climbs very slowly up the dirt wall that it made, seemingly cautious in case there are any cars or pedestrians nearby.

Finally out of the hole, the driver dismounts, and he takes a bow to an applauding audience.

Dream: Newborn Twins

I'm in bed. My wife is sleeping next to me. She's holding two newborn babies, one for each arm. Their eyes are wide open, but they are quiet. I don't remember my wife being pregnant.

[Yesterday, I had read the section in Jaguar Woman in which Lynn meets her "Twin Dreamers"]

Wednesday Weigh-In 20110420

It's ice cream season in our household. Unfortunately, our daughter is vegan, so the ice cream that my wife buys doesn't disappear as quickly as it used to.

Weirdly, the Ben & Jerry's "Imagine Whirled Peace" doesn't taste as good as I remember it. I didn't eat it last night because I craved it. I took it for emotional soothing -- earlier in the day we sent cat number four to kitty heaven.

Weight = 161 lb.
Fat = 17%
BMI = 23.77
Waist = 37.25"
Height = 5' 9"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Tanita Scale with Body Fat monitor
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In 20110413

I found a dandelion plant that sheltered under an evergreen over the winter. So I've been adding some of its leaves to my lunch time salad.

Weight = 160.5 lb.
Fat = 16%
BMI = 23.7
Waist = 37.25"
Height = 5' 9"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Tanita Scale with Body Fat monitor
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

Friday, April 8, 2011

SDP: Search Engine Owners Can Harvest Ideas

It occurred to me to do an Internet search to see if anyone was marketing and selling hand-held Geiger Counters to food shoppers, using the fear of a breach at the Fukushima nuclear power plant as motivation.

Then it hit me -- those who operate Internet search engines are the first to learn about new ideas.  Why?  Because as soon a someone thinks of inventing or developing something like a Bluetooth-enabled Geiger Counter, he or she would perform a search to see if anyone else has already done that, thereby giving the idea to the search engine.

SDP: Hand-Held Geiger Counter for food shopping

I see a fantastic business opportunity coming from concerns about a breach at the Fukushima nuclear plant -- a hand-held or Bluetooth-enabled Geiger Counter for your Smartphone!  All health-conscious food shoppers should have them to detect radiation in foods before they make a purchase.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In 20110406

Last night I had pizza. The way I eat pizza is that I pick the cheese and toppings off with a fork and eat that, and then I discard the entire crust.

Weight = 161 lb.
Fat = 17%
BMI = 23.77
Waist = 37.5"
Height = 5' 9"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Tanita Scale with Body Fat monitor
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday Farmhouse & Barn

Here are two shadows I captured during my lunchtime walk: an awning frame on a farmhouse, and a tobacco barn.