Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday Weigh-In 20180124

I got upset this morning by a report on NPR about the melting permafrost in North America. The problem is that tiny organisms exist in this soil, and as they thaw and feed on carbon-rich matter, they release carbon dioxide, which could accelerate global warming. And while that upset me, I was also upset by the idea that parts of Alaska and other far-north areas are experiencing sink holes as a result of the melting permafrost. You see, I'm hoping to move North in an attempt to stay in a "snow belt." My current home has been getting snow so infrequently that the ground stays a depressingly brown combination of dead grass and mud. My preference is to have a few inches of snow fall every five to seven days and for a nice layer protect the lawn. But what if I buy land that develops into a sink hole? Here's a link to the fascinating transcript:

Waist = 43.25"
Height = 5' 9"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Balance Body Composition Bath Scale
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.

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