Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Real Danger

Sandra Herold considered her pet chimpanzee Travis to be her son.  But on February 16, Travis brutally attacked Sandra's best friend and business partner Charla Nash.

According to an article in The Hartford Courant1, "The U.S. House of Representatives last week approved legislation that would ban private ownership of primates as pets."

That same article observed, "Unopened boxes and bags of Travis' treats — Butterfingers, Fig Newtons, marshmallow Peeps and coffee cakes — are piled on the floor and counters."

Which makes me wonder whether Congress should've instead banned the private ownership of Butterfingers, Fig Newtons, marshmallow Peeps and coffee cakes as pet food snacks.

1"Travis The Chimp's 'Mom' Tells Their [sic] Story," by Alaine Griffin of The Hartford Courant


Delirious said...

wow.....pretty soon they will ban ownership of dogs...they attack people too.

Tirsden Frozenrayn said...

let's ban the ability to be humans. they attack people too.