Saturday, December 4, 2021

Dream: Clumsy at the Convention

I’m in a convention center, making my way from a reception area to where the main event will take place. I realize that I need to put my mask1 on, so I slow my pace while I pull the mask out of my right front pants pocket. I get the feeling that some other stuff fell out of the pocket, so I stop and turn to look on the floor behind me. And while I do so, someone who was walking behind me tells me that I’ve dropped something and stoops to pick it up. Seeing that it’s one of my used hankies, I tell the person that I’ll get it and thank him.

So, I’ve picked up the hanky and put it back in my pocket. And now I’m standing while trying to hold all kinds of stuff, which includes my mask, a small notebook and pen, another hanky and perhaps a pamphlet about the event. It’s really hard for me to put the mask on without both my hands being free.
1 Face covering to prevent the spread of COVID-19

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