Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Dream: Debate at the Camp

I'm at a camp in a large cabin. One of the camp counselors, from behind the counter, shouts "who wants to do a debate?" I've got nothing much to do, so I say "I'll do it" and go over to the table where the debate will take place.

The place is just a table that seats four and there are six of us. So we start walking around the table widdershins. I'm carrying a shovel, a spade. The number of people around the table has lessened gradually and now there's just me and another guy. But I've lost interest, so I tell him so and I walk away.

Another activity is starting outside on the deck. I walk to the exit, but it is just a narrow seam between a wall on the left and a huge flat screen TV on the right. Somehow I'm supposed to pry it open.  I still have the spade, so I consider using this, but it's curved, whereas the seam is straight. Besides, with the flat screen TV so close, one slip of the spade could destroy it. So I hesitate, and I hesitate...

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