Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday Weigh-In 20090812

I've been thinking of creating a "Wednesday Weigh-In" button to encourage others to measure and post their stats every Wednesday. Even if you're at your goal weight, it's a good idea to monitor it.

And we can have a club, like "Body Part Wednesday" that The Blogger Who Calls Herself Square Peg Person just started four weeks ago. Or like "Shadow Shot Sunday" that I just joined on Sunday.

What do you think? Would you join the Wednesday Weigh-In party?

Weight = 156 lb.
Fat = 14%
BMI = 23.03
Waist = 36.75"
Height = 5' 9"

  1. Wikipedia BMI page
  2. Tanita Scale with Body Fat monitor
  3. Javascript must be enabled to view the data.


Hey Harriet said...

That's an interesting idea! Some people may be a bit shy about revealing their stats publicly though. However, I'm sure many would embrace it! Sounds good! :)

Kerry said...

Definately a "no" here--I'm a scale wimp. I do respect your guts (no pun intended)to share and your love for data!

Great question you posted over at my blog "Is it the search or the finding of meaning that is most important?" I had fun answering it and wonder what your answer would be.

Square Peg Guy said...

Hi Kerry:

I'm wimpy when it comes to sharing personal information. But I've convinced myself that this is an anonymous blog. So I feel as though I can write the most personal stuff.

I've been thinking about the question over and over. I haven't come up with a good answer. I like both searching and finding as answers. They alternate like the black & white image of a vase and two facial profiles.

Square Peg Guy said...

Hi Harriet:

Thanks for commenting! I think I'll try it. All I need is a button image and a landing page with some content.

Accidentally I came across another blog out there that does Wednesday Weigh-ins. I left a comment, but no one replied!

Square-Peg Karen said...

ohmy...didn't know i'd be joining a chorus when i headed over here...I just saw your post about sharing our weights - and wanted to tell you that I love the comments you leave on Square-Peg Reflections, and you're a wonderful fellow - BUT (or maybe - "butt" -hahaha) - no way in Hades that I'm doing weigh ins..but power to ya!! I hope it works out - and now I'm going to see if I can find the post commenter Kerry mentioned..about Is it the search or the finding of meaning.." sounds excellent..good luck with this..if ONE person wants this, there are BOUND to be others..yea YOU!!

Square Peg Guy said...

Thanks for your feedback, SquarePegPerson, and your loyal readership!