Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Your Sleep Has Been Delayed

"Your sleep has been delayed." Imagine hearing that as if it were announced in an airport. That's how I'm imagining it, anyway.

I'd be sleeping now. But an hour and a half ago my wife told me that she was having trouble swallowing. Turns out she just took a new-to-her med, Trazodone, to help her sleep through the night. The idea here is that maybe her extreme fatigue is due to her inability to get a full night's sleep.

Ironically, one of Trazodone's more common side effects is dry mouth, which is also a huge problem for folks with Sjögren’s Syndrome, which she may (or may not) have. And excessive dry mouth can lead to difficulty swallowing.

Another thing that can cause difficulty swallowing is swelling of the throat due to an allergic reaction, which, as you might imagine, requires immediate medical attention. My experience is that it's easier to seek immediate medical attention when you're awake.

Hence, the delayed sleep and a time-wasting post about it.

Anyway, she's sleeping now. I don't have to check on her breathing -- the snoring says it all.

Good night!


rummuser said...

Congratulations! Good night to you too.

Anonymous said...

Glad it wasn't a serious reaction!! Hope you both got some good sleep!

Square Peg Guy said...

Thank you for your kind thoughts, rummuser and Sherlock!

Tirsden Frozenrayn said...

meep! hmm, hopefully it can be worked around or dropped and try something else. ^^;

Square Peg Guy said...

Hi Tirsden:

I think this is very temporary. The fatigue might just be the result of tapering the prednisone combined with coming back from a week in Florida.

Thanks for commenting!