Friday, May 1, 2009

Flashback: Energy Level Profile

This is an excerpt from my personal journal, dated 2003-06-12. This is what it was like for me to have adrenal fatigue, although I didn't know it at that time. I didn't get any sort of treatment until the summer of 2006 when I got my CPAP machine, and again in April 2007 when I saw the N.D. who recommended supplements and the Blood Type Diet.
  • 6AM: Sleeping/groggy.
  • 7AM: Awake, but low functioning.
  • 10AM: Energy still is low, despite coffee, but I can catch up on email. Sometimes I can't remember having driven to work. Energy slowly rises.
  • 1PM: Lunch brings a brief energy rise.
  • 3PM: A descent into an abyss. Stupor.
  • 4PM: "Tea-time" break. Energy improves somewhat.
  • 5PM: Best energy level yet. Now that most people are gone, I can focus well on my work.
  • 7PM: Levels are being drained in the attempt to keep up with the 5yo.
  • 8PM: The 5yo's bedtime routine, which I participate in, causes a precipitous drop in energy. I lapse into sleep while reading books [to her]. The 5yo smacks me to keep me awake. I lie on her bedroom floor waiting for her to finish using the bathroom before I can tuck her in.
  • 9PM: Recovery, thankfully. Many chores await. The brisk walk with the dog causes an energy surplus.
  • 10PM: Most of the chores are done. I hit the computer or read a book on a high.
  • 11PM: Waning energy develops into periods of lost consciousness. I fight to keep my eyes open. When my book finally falls out of my hands, I start thinking about rousing myself enough to get to bed.
  • 11:30PM: I use the 5yo's berry-flavored toothpaste. The minty stuff might wake me up.
  • 11:35PM: My head hits the pillow. Usually I can stay awake long enough to turn out the light. But not always.


Tirsden Frozenrayn said...

hmm, I'd say... not getting enough sleep just off the hours posted. O_o

...'course, the hard part is getting real life to match up to human sleep requirement standards xD

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Wow, sounds a lot like me most days. But my endo. doesn't believe in adrenal fatigue, so I am finding a new one.

Square Peg Guy said...

Hi Tirsden:

Yes, whoever designed Real Life didn't put enough hours into the day.

Seven hours of sleep is good for me if I'm in good shape.

Thanks for commenting!

Square Peg Guy said...


I don't think an M.D. would diagnose Adrenal Fatigue alone, without some other disease or syndrome present to cause the condition. Also, they rely on blood tests alone, not the patient's complaints.

Naturopathic doctors (N.D.) are more receptive of the diagnosis. I hope you find a doctor who will listen to you and help you. If you're struggling with this, you might find it hard to keep to the Atkins diet.

Good luck, and thanks for commenting!