Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gluten-Free High Protein Snack Bars

Snacks bars are great to have on hand in case you get hungry between meals. I like to bring one to work with me every day in case I get overwhelmed with cravings. When I went to Washington D.C. for seven days, I brought about two dozen to eat in the car and to supplement the meals provided by my wife's vegetarian cousin.

Although there are hundreds of brands and flavors, it's actually hard to pick one that has the right balance of texture and flavor, that does not contain wheat and a lot of soy or peanut butter, and that has a low Glycemic Index.

I used to eat Luna Bars and Clif Energy Bars until I realized that my body could not tolerate the soy, the main source of protein in these bars.1 They would actually fuel my sugar cravings and hunger rather than quell them, and they would cause bloating and gas.

Eventually, I came across four brands that I like a lot. They are listed here in no particular order:
Please carefully read the ingredients on these bars. I found them to be agreeable both in taste and in their effect on my body, even though some bars contain soy and/or dairy. I cannot guarantee that you will like them or tolerate them.

1 Clif makes a line of soy-free Low Glycemic bars called Clif C. I haven't tried them yet, but they look promising, even though they're not high in protein. You can find out more here.
2 As an associate of North American Pharmacal, I receive a small cash award for each click-through-purchase of any NAP product.
3 I like to order the Garden of Life, FücoProtein bars online from iHerb. As I wrote before, first time customers can receive $5 off by using this coupon code at checkout time: DOJ209. If you do, I will receive a small cash award as a result of your purchase.
4 These Tanka products were added to the list on 2013-05-20.

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