Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dream: The Red Pickup Truck in the Tree

I'm driving along in my neighborhood and see a red pickup truck hanging from a tree.

I pull over to see if someone needs help. I look inside and see a young man with a thick red wire wrapped around his neck. The veins in his neck are bulging. He says, "Help me," very faintly.

I see that the red wire is caught in the window and pulled taut, but it's loose on the outside of the window. So I squeeze the window's rubber gasket and feed the wire into the car. It works to relieve the pressure of the wire.

Now I go to work to lower the truck and get the guy out. I go to the back and pick the lock of the trunk. (Now the truck is a compact sedan.) Then I walk around to the driver's side door. I'm about to do the same -- pick the lock and open it -- but then Cindy, the police supervisor rides up on her motorcycle. I'm afraid that I might get in trouble if she sees me pick the lock, so I stop what I'm doing and let her take over. I'm sure she'll ask me to do it, so I wait for her to tell me.

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